Monday, December 9, 2013


      Few weeks ago I noticed that tattoos are everywhere. A lot of people is tattooed and it became trendy. But the most shocking fact is that people don't want to hide their new 'skin pictures' - they do want to express them. What's more, I realised that tattoos are addictive - a majority of people who already have tattoos decide to do the new ones from time to time or to correct these old by enlarging. This trend is very popular in the United States (e.g. Rihanna is totally addicted; she has about 15 tattoos and she covers them or makes new regularly) but in Poland it will take few years till the society will accept it. Maybe I'm a little bit old-fashioned but even 50 years ago tattoos were reserved for criminals and this is why it seems to me rather unesthetic. One thing is sure: the decision of making tattoo should be a reasoned choice because it is not for 2 months, this is for the rest of life. Of course, there are differrent methods for removing tattoos but there could be another body interference what is not recommended. How do you think about tattoos?Opposite to that, looking at this 'Eiffel Tower' attached, maybe one day I will own similar...