Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween ;)


How are you? 

Today I had a lot of time, but, to be honest - I've just done the shopping and slept:) I sleep day by day usually about 4-5 hours so my organism is a little bit tired during the weekend (or during the holidays) and I don't mind doing nothing special when I have got a leisure time. Today, when I was in the city, I thought about buying pumpkin :) I've never celebrated Halloween - I am a catholic and this was really strange for me to go out that day and have fun. It was overwhelming. But this year I decided to buy a pumpkin and try to create a little monster. I saw a few TV spots and it seems very easy to do. You need only a knife and a pumpkin. I am rather an easy-going person (in this way I mean that life's too short to live full of stress all the time) and if my abilities do their worst, I will prepare a pumpkin compote - I love it:) Moreover, for this moment, I can accent that an old statement is the truth here : "whatever has been lost will turn up" - "w przyrodzie nic nie ginie".