Sunday, December 2, 2012

My first English classes

I have some memories connected with the education. But a few of them I remember the most -  English lessons in a primary school. When I was in the 4th class of the primary school, I started to learn English. I thought it was really easy to learn so I decided not to learn it at home, just to be active and participate in lessons (I made up my mind to do the same with the rest of my subjects). Yeah, I was this age when all the pupils  thought that they are the smartest so do I :) All the kids were really self-confident. One day unfortunately I had been ill, I was absent for about one week. My friend Martyna gave me the notes but I ignored them. When I fully recovered, I back to school and... for my first lesson I had an English test! I was disappointed! I knew nothing so I wrote this test very badly. I regretted that I didn't learn and I felt that I will get the worst note in the class. Finally - I got my first 1 (the worst mark) in my life! But this step  has also its advantages - I started to learn, not only English but for the rest of subjects :)


  1. That's a story with a happy ending :)

  2. Yes, with great motivation:)

  3. exactly, I didn't learn at home, when I was in the primary school. But... sometimes I forgot to do my homework and to this day I remember my Dad's anger :D
